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Throughout the Twin Cities, Southview Design landscaping customers are enthusiastic about referring us to friends, neighbors, and family.
We have the flexibility and capacity to complete multiple large projects simultaneously and on time. We offer construction know-how, state-of-the-art equipment, and a commitment to quality and customer service.
We are a single-source provider of commercial landscaping. Southview reps are landscape management experts with formal training and expertise in arboriculture, plant pathology, insects, lawn management, and more.
Our high-performance team specializes in exceeding the expectations of the most demanding property owners and managers. Contact us to ask for more information or request a quote.
Award-winning residential landscape architecture and design. Expert construction and project management. Amazing crews. Full-service landscape care.
High-performance team that exceeds the expectations of the most demanding property owners and managers. Comprehensive landscaping: management and maintenance, water management and conservation, snow and ice management, design and construction. Southview Design is a leading Minneapolis St Paul Commercial Landscaper.
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Of the 17,500 species of butterfly in the world, the Monarch butterfly is one of the most recognizable. They are interesting creatures because monarchs migrate from Canada and the United States to Mexico for the winter and back again in the spring.
Winter is too cold. A lot of us have said the same but when the temperatures drop to 32°F, they can die. At those temperatures their food sources die out so they head south.
They are light-sensitive and follow the sun. They also have an internal magnetic compass, located in their antennae, tuned in to the Earth’s magnetic fields to keep them on track.
Loss of habitat and climate change has resulted in a 90% decline in Monarch populations since the 1990s. The monarch is currently a candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and its status will be reviewed each year until it is no longer a candidate. In December 2020, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service determined that "adding the monarch butterfly to the list of threatened and endangered species is warranted but precluded by work on higher-priority listing actions."
Monarchs lay their eggs on milkweed and developing caterpillars feed on it. Without milkweed, Monarchs can't reproduce. Plant milkweed and monarch nectar plants. Don’t use pesticides. And support efforts to combat climate change.
Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), swamp milkweed (A. incarnata), and butterflyweed (A. tuberosa) are native in many regions, including Minnesota. Use the National Wildlife Federation Native Plant Finder to search by zip code for native milkweed species.
Common Milkweed. Photo Credit: Anita Gould, Flickr Creative Commons
Swamp Milkweed. Photo Credit: Tom Potterfield, Flickr Creative Commons
Butterflyweed. Photo Credit: Beautifulcataya, Flickr Creative Commons
Xerces Society Monarch Nectar Plants: Great Lakes Region (PDF) This guide features Great Lakes native plants that have documented monarch visitation, bloom during the times of year when monarchs are present, are commercially available, and are known to be hardy. Beyond supporting monarchs, many of these plants attract other nectar- and/or pollen-seeking butterflies, bees, moths and birds.
The Monarch Act of 2021 - The Monarch Action, Recovery, and Conservation of Habitat Act, or Monarch Act of 2021 introduced in the Senate by Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon and in the House of Representatives by Representatives Jimmy Panetta and Salud Carbajal of California will provide funding for conservation activities to restore, enhance, and manage overwintering and breeding habitats of monarch populations in the western U.S.
While you may prefer to stay indoors, winter is the ideal time to prune your trees and shrubs.
Every year, our local community lifestyle magazines ask their readers who is the best in your city. Don't forget to vote Southview Design for Best Landscape Designer – here's how.
Get your yard ready for winter with a thorough fall cleanup.