Consider Native Minnesota Species for your home landscaping project
The University of Minnesota recommends this list of native plants for landscapes in Minnesota. A few popular options include:
Blackhawk Big Bluestem – A prairie grass that grows 4 to 8 feet tall and thrives in moist/wet soils. Big Bluestem is good for the soil, supports wildlife, and is great for erosion control. This is a good option for shoreline preservation or the middle/base of a rain garden.
Blue Grama – This species likes upland dry conditions and will grow 6 inches tall in sandy dry soils and full sun. Consider Blue Grama as a turf alternative or for strips between sidewalks and streets. It is also commonly used on slopes for erosion control. Blue Grama attracts multiple species of butterflies and songbirds.
Prairie Dropseed ‘Tara’– A fine-textured and short-statured plant that enjoys an upland, sandy soil with full sun. Prairie Dropseed tolerates dry conditions and has very low water needs. This species is great for the top of a berm, a rain garden, or the front of a border. Prairie Dropseed supports endangered butterfly species like the Skipper Butterfly.