A Few More Areas to Tackle
FIX DRAINAGE ISSUES. Did you notice puddles where they shouldn't be during the spring thaw, such as walkways and driveways? Drain tile and catch basins can be installed to encourage water to go where you want it to – away from steps, walkways, foundations, and hardscaping.
MULCH AND TOP DRESS. First, blow leaves and other debris out of the plant beds. Fluff the existing mulch lightly to see how much remains. An ideal mulch depth of 3 inches is ideal. Top-dress the mulch if necessary. Remember to pull mulch back from the bases of trees to prevent mold and decay. It's ok to mulch once the ground has fully thawed and the soil has begun to warm. Mulching too early could delay the thawing process, affect the soil, and cause preventable issues within the garden.
Mulch Madness: When to mulch and why it matters.
TREAT APPLE SCAB. Did your crabapple tree suddenly turn brown and drop its leaves in mid-summer last year? If so, apple scab was likely the cause. Apple Scab can be managed with a foliar spray or trunk-injected fungicide, but these applications need to happen in early spring, right as the buds are breaking. If you have concerns about your crabapple trees, contact a certified arborist.