2023 Landscape Design Trends | Minnesota

TRENDING: Water-Conscious Landscaping

Sustainable Landscape Practices

Water-Conscious Landscaping

With drought conditions continuing, it should come as no surprise homeowners are leaning toward water-saving landscape options such as rain gardens, rain barrels, and drought-tolerant/native plants that don’t need much water.

The rising awareness of environmental impact has prompted individuals to adopt practices that conserve water and minimize runoff, reducing strain on local ecosystems. Additionally, the economic incentive of lower water bills and maintenance costs makes water-conscious landscaping an economically sound choice. Not to mention, the aesthetic appeal of drought-tolerant plants and innovative water-saving techniques contributes to the trend's popularity, transforming landscapes into both environmentally responsible and visually pleasing spaces.

Rain gardens are a strategically designed depression in the landscape that collect and absorb rainwater, helping to manage stormwater runoff and promote groundwater recharge.

Rain barrels collect and store rainwater from rooftops, providing a sustainable source of water for various outdoor uses.

Drought-tolerant plants can thrive with minimal water requirements, making them well-suited for arid or water-scarce environments.

Conserve Water, Reduce Costs

In the U.S. landscape irrigation uses more than 7 billion gallons of water per day. Irrigation audits, proper maintenance, and smart irrigation can reduce waste, save money.

Rain Garden Facts

Water pollution threatens the delicate ecological balance of our waterways. High levels of chemicals, nutrients, and sediment harm vegetation, kill wildlife, foul drinking water, and destroy pristine recreational areas.

Low-Maintenance Design Features

Consider these low-maintenance landscaping ideas for your yard and garden. Spend less time on upkeep and more quality time with friends and family.

Enjoy Summer to the Fullest

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Planning and construction take time. Start now, so you can enjoy your new outdoor living space asap!

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