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Spring Posts

Basement Flooding and Landscape Drainage

Every year, one of the top pain points facing our clients is landscape drainage. Caused by melting snow or heavy rainfall, uncontrolled water creates soggy areas in your lawn and can cause serious damage to your home. So, how do you prevent a flooded backyard?

Mulch Madness

​It’s that time of year again. The ice is melting, the birds are chirping and those first rays of warm sunshine are peeking through the clouds. Springtime is here, and homeowners are eager to get their yards in tip top summer shape.

March No-nos and To-dos

Feeling the urge to get out in the yard? Here are a few don'ts and dos for early spring chores.

Step Two: From Sap to Syrup

To turn sap into syrup you'll need space to store lots of sap, a propane stove, time, and some basic equipment.

Elevate your Garden: A Guide to Vertical Gardening

Discover the art of vertical gardening – a space-saving solution to bring lush greenery into any environment. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a novice, learn how to transform walls and fences into vibrant oases of growth and beauty.

The Healing Power of the Outdoors

Here are some fascinating ways in which nature positively impacts our physical and mental health, providing you with even more reasons to invest in your outdoor space.

Winter Has Probably Trashed Your Yard

No matter how carefully we put our gardens and landscapes to bed for the winter - winter always manages to win out. Here's what you can do to fix snow mold and bring your yard back to life in the spring.

Treat Apple Scab in the Early Spring

Did your crabapple tree turn brown and drop its leaves suddenly mid-summer last year? If so, apple scab was likely the cause.

Step One: Collect the Sap

Eager for Spring? Making maple syrup in your backyard is a great way to enjoy the outdoors while you're waiting for the snow and ice to melt. Step one: collect the sap.

Spring Yard Work

Spring is an exciting time in Minnesota. The melting snow and bright rays of sunshine serve as a welcome sign that it's time to put away the mittens and winter boots and prepare for another beautiful Minnesota summer.

Ready to Go for a Walk?

Freeze-thaw-freeze-thaw. Warm days and cold nights can make walkways, sidewalks, and driveways an icy mess. Here are our pro tips for keeping your pavement safe.